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How to prepare for a visit at a curly salon

Now it’s no news to you, fellow reader that we have two beautiful salons, one in the Dominican Republic and one in Little Dominican Republic also known as Washington Heights New York. But I am not writing this just for our clients and potential clients, most of you actually don’t live near our salons. The purpose for writing this is to help you create the best experience possible during your next visit to a curly hair salon. Please feel free to add your own advice below in the comments.

1. Bring pictures

It’s important to provide your stylist with as much information as possible to achieve the look you want. Bring pictures of how you normally style your hair, ideas for cuts, and any other pictures you might find relevant.

2. Ask questions

At least at our salons, and I suspect that in most other of them, stylist are eager to help you solve your hair issues. They want to help you manage your hair at home and fall in love with it, so make believe like you’re visiting the curly doctor and bring all the questions. Ask about routines, products, etc.

3. Manage your expectations

A lot of clients share pictures with their stylist with women with other textures and hair types, begging them to achieve that exact look. This is not always possible and it’s important to manage these expectations.

4. Communicate with your stylist

It is so important to maintain a good communication with your stylist from the very beginning. Tell them how you like your styling results, little volume or lots of volume, as the shampoo girl to do more pressure or less pressure and ask the stylist to show you how much she will cut of your hair. At the end of the service let your stylist know how you feel. The feedback is so important.

5. Relax and enjoy

I know that this is a hard ask, but it’s the best way to enjoy your visit. Sit back and close your eyes during the shampoo and let go of whatever they day brought.


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